Friday, August 25, 2017

5 Movies that WB Could Make to Milk the Batman Brand That Don't Ruin the Joker

So after ranting yesterday about how stupid a Joker origin story that doesn't include Batman would be, and dying a little inside at the announcement that Jared fuckin Leto's Spencer's-gift-store-lookin-ass Joker will be back for three more movies, I thought I'd spend today focusing on some alternatives WB could look into that would allow them to achieve their clear goal of milking every last dime they can out of the Batman brand without actually using Batman, since it's pretty clear Ben Affleck is jumping ship after Justice League* and they don't know where they're going with the character anymore.  Also any good nerd website needs CLICKBAIT LISTICLES, so here's mine, which does not include obvious suggestions like the Nightwing/Batgirl movies that are already rumored:

1) Gotham Central
Yes, we have a terrible, godawful TV show currently devoted to the Gotham PD and serving as a prolonged weird origin story for every Bat-character. Gotham Central however is about what it means to be a cop in a Gotham that does have a Batman. This movie could explore how they continue to do their jobs and operate in a world where Batman is present but not seen. The cops debate the pros and cons of Batman and also do their best to maybe beat him to the chase from time to time. Should play well with the #BlueLivesMatter crowd, too!

2)No Man's Land
Batman is MIA, Gotham is sequestered from the rest of the world, and the entire Rogues Gallery battles the remaining cops and Bat-family as well as each other as they all try to carve out territory. A good way to give face time to a lot of different heroes and villains while also telling a Batman story by asking what happens to a Gotham without him.

3)Alfred, The Gritty Origin Story
I'm only half-kidding here. Most recent versions of Alfred have established him as having a military/special operations background and some time as a stage actor before he ended up reluctantly following his father's footsteps as butler to the Wayne Family. Call me crazy, but I'd actually like the story of how the man who would forever be Batman's most important ally got to that point more than the origin story of how someone became a killer clown who is terrifying largely because you don't know where he came from or what he really wants.

4)Batman Beyond
Just give me this fucking movie already, you pricks.

5)The Rise of Ra's Al Ghul
If you absolutely have to do an origin story for a Bat-villain, how about one of the few whose existence should pre-date Batman's, and not the many who should come after. Ra's is a thousands of years old being who climbs his way up to the top of an organization of ninja assassins and also has secretly orchestrated massive events in human history. Not only that, most audiences are fairly familiar with him now thanks to Batman Begins, Batman: TAS, Gotham, and Arrow. Audiences are definitely ready for tales of immortal ninjas after years of being de-sensitized to weird comic book concepts thanks to the flood of live action comic book shows and movies.
I know this picture has Batman in it but it's never not rad to see them shirtless sword fight.

My personal preference would be for WB to finally realize what a goldmine they have in the greater DC universe and continue to shine the spotlight on characters not even related to Batman. Just watch Justice League Unlimited, you jerks. That said, if they are going to insist on Batman Movies Without Batman, I humbly submit the above for consideration and will sue for 4 billion dollars if I am not given story credit if they ever do anything remotely similar to any of them.

*bring on your hate, fanboys, and point to whatever non-denial denials you want from Affleck, Mattt Reeves etc, show me the part where any of them actually say "Ben Affleck is definitely going to be Batman in the next movie we make"

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